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3 Things You Should Do To Avoid Becoming Technically Challenged

Technology is moving ahead at a break neck pace. Technology is revolutionizing the way we work, live and play. These days you can barely choose a TV without some technical knowledge. So, how can you keep it all straight and stay in the 21st century? Just remember these 3 steps.

Call technology by its name. Every person, place or thing has a name. Technology is no different. TVs are referred to as LCD or Plasma. Broadband has two implementations known as DSL or cable modem. VOIP means voice over IP. Just pick up a sales paper and read the ads to learn the jargon. Some retailers have online tutorials to bring you up to speed.

Learn what devices and gadgets are used for. What does a wireless router do? What are some related devices and accessories? A wireless router manages Internet access, network administration and security, and wireless connectivity for multiple computers. Normally, a user needs a wireless adapter if he has a wireless router. The wireless adapter allows a desktop to communicate with the wireless router. Understanding what devices do and their relation to other devices is important.

Know what device you need when you adopt technology. Suppose you are ready to build a wireless home network. You have signed up for High Speed Internet from the ISP of your choice. And you want to connect both your desktop and laptop to the Internet. What might you need to accomplish this? You guessed it. You are going to need at minimum a wireless router and wireless adapter. Now you just have to select the brand.

Now you are ready to get out there and learn more about technology. You have the tools you need to get you started. Next time you hear about latest device or gadget, remember these 3 steps. Welcome to the 21st century.
Posted by Dinesh PaliwalFeb 16, 2024 @ 05:28

Reasons why your restaurant needs mobile billing

70% of restaurants shut down before the first year of opening! Reason being poor customer service, theft& pilferage, lower market reach, mismanagement of billing and delivery. Sustaining in a restaurant business mainly depends on servicing customers to the fullest on their every visit, every bill, every order and every delivery. Adding mobility to your business can make sure all of these challenges are getting addressed. Logi ERP, a mobile billing solution to deliver best customer service, increase market reach and smooth functioning in your take away/ delivery services. Here are 4 benefits of using mobile billing in your restaurant.
Posted by Rahul KavdiaMar 06, 2024 @ 05:17

Secrets to Success: Small-Medium Retail Business

There are more than a few ways for small-medium retail businesses to fail. They either fail to reach their potential or just fail to grow. Failing to grow will not be a problem – if the owner is happy where the business is. The tough times are when these retail businesses are in a very odd place between big and very small. At this spot, the owner is doing a lot of work and still not growing his business as much as he would like to.
Posted by Rahul KavdiaMar 06, 2024 @ 04:45